How to Gain Muscle ?

          We often heard about -- eat more to gain more muscle; drink protein powder, it help to build your muscle fast; kids must eat a lot of meat, so that they grow faster ..

          Are these facts? Are they true??

          Let's look at these 6 Natural + Healthy Foods that Help You Gain Muscle:

1. Omega-3 Eggs
If you have access to fresh, organic, farm-raised/pastured eggs, buy them by the dozen. If not, any Omega-3 rich variety from the store will do.

2. Oatmeal
Be sure to choose the least-processed variety available to you, typically plain, steel-cut oats. Avoid the “microwaveable” varieties of oatmeal that come in packets. They’re highly processed and contain a lot of sugar.

3. Nuts
Full of fatty acids that encourage weight loss, nuts are an essential part of any diet. Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, and peanuts top the list for those looking to build muscle.

4. Full-Fat Cottage Cheese With Live Cultures
First, it’s full of casein, which elevates and sustains your amino acid levels. Second, the beneficial bacteria present in a live culture cottage cheese help you to better absorb the essential nutrients found in all the other healthy foods on this list.

5. Chick Peas
This versatile bean contains 45 grams of slow-acting carbs per cup along with 12 grams of fiber.

6. Chia Seeds
Packed with fiber, protein, antioxidants, the plant-based omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and lots of important minerals, chia seeds are one of the few edibles that has truly earned its “superfood” moniker.

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  1. Care2 - 6 Foods To Help You Gain Muscle
