
Showing posts from November, 2016

DXN Cordypine 德信虫草凤梨酵素

DXN Cordypine 德信虫草凤梨酵素 Luxurious Tropical Charm! 感受热带水果的丰富魅力! Rasailah Keaslian Buah Tropika! DXN Cordypine® blends quality cordyceps and naturally fermented pineapple juice. Cordypine® is indeed your smart choice for life. 德信虫草凤梨酵素乃高科技精髓的结晶品。 德信虫草凤梨酵素绝对是您明智的选择。 DXN Cordypine® ialah kombinasi cordyceps berkualiti tinggi dengan jus nenas yang difermentasi secara semulajadi. Cordypine® ialah pilihan yang bijak untuk anda.


靈芝的功效與作用 一、 抗腫瘤作用自身免疫功能的低下或失調,是腫瘤之所以會發生並擴展的重要原因。靈芝是最佳的免疫功能調節和激活劑,它可顯著提高機體的免疫功能,增強患者自身的抗癌能力。 靈芝可以通過促進白細胞介素-2的生成,通過促進單核巨噬細胞的吞噬功能、通過提升人體的造血能力尤其是白細胞的指標水平,以及通過其中某些有效成分對癌細胞的抑制作用,成為抗腫瘤、防癌以及癌症輔助治療的優選藥物。 靈芝對人體幾乎沒有任何毒副作用。這種無毒性的免疫活化劑的優點,恰恰是許多腫瘤化療藥物和其它免疫促進劑都不具有的。 二、 保肝解毒作用靈芝對多種理化及生物因素引起的肝損傷有保護作用。無論在肝臟損害發生前還是發生後,服用靈芝都可保護肝臟,減輕肝損傷。靈芝能促進肝臟對藥物、毒物的代謝,對於中毒性肝炎有確切的療效。尤其是慢性肝炎,靈芝可明顯消除頭暈、乏力、噁心、肝區不適等症狀,並可有效地改善肝功能,使各項指標趨於正常。 所以,靈芝可用於治療慢性中毒、各類慢性肝炎、肝硬化、肝功能障礙。 三、 對心血管系統的作用

GT 6 Wash 'N' Shine

GT 6 Wash 'N' Shine GT-6 汽车清洁与光亮剂 Pencuci Kereta - GT6 Wash "N" Shine DXN Car Wash-GT 6 Wash 'N' Shine , a unique car care formulation designed to wash and wax cars in one operation. It effectively removes stubborn dirt and stains, leaving your car shining and sparkling. 德信GT 6 汽车清洁及光亮剂是一种独特的护车配方,它能让洗车及打蜡工作一次完成。它能有效去除车身上的顽固污迹,让您爱车恢復光澤。 Pencuci Kereta - GT-6 Wash 'N' Shine  adalah formula penjagaan kereta yang unik dihasilkan untuk mencuci dan mengilatkan kereta anda pada masa yang sama. Ianya bertindak dengan berkesan untuk menyingkir kotoran dan kesan degil agar kereta anda sentiasa bersinar dan berkilau. 想了解【GT 6 Wash 'N' Shine】多一些,您可以留言或电邮给我: email: SMS / Whatapps / LINE / WeChat: +6016-7835799 资料来源: (DXNLife vol53)   (DXN GT-6 Wash 'N' Shine)


灵芝菌丝粉的功效   灵芝菌丝粉,对于治疗高血压、冠心病、糖尿病、癌症、有显著效果、   (1)治慢性 支气管炎 :服用灵芝片,日3次,每次1片(含量相当于生药0.5克),或用灵芝酊(20%浓度),日3次,每次10毫升(每日量相当于生药6克),一般15~30天开始见效。   (2)治 支气管 哮喘:小儿患者每日肌肉注射1~2毫升(每毫升含0.5~1克生药),连续注射1个月左右。   (3)治白细胞减少症。曾治疗因化学、物理、药物及慢性病等各种因素引起的白细胞减少症52例,近期有效率为84.6%,白细胞总数平均提高至1028/立方毫米。10~20天为一个疗程。   (4)治疗冠心病:

Monkey's Head Mushroom - The Magical Pom Pom (Lion's Mane)

Monkey's Head Mushroom (Lion's Mane) - The Magical Pom Pom 猴头菇 - 神奇的绒球 Cendawan Bunga Kobis - Cendawan Ajaib Monkey's Head Mushroom Benefits (Lion's Mane) 猴头菇的益处 Kebaikan Cendawan Bunga Kobis 1. Protect Digestive Tract     保护消化系统     Melindungi Saluran Pencernaan

Tips for Getting Your Digestive System Back on Track

Tips for Getting Your Digestive System Back on Track 让消化功能恢复正常的小贴士 Tip untuk Mengembalikan Sistem Penghadaman anda Kembali Lancar

DXN story of the largest Ganoderma company

DXN Documentary - story of the largest Ganoderma MLM company 23 years ago company start with a dream "One world, One Market", at a one third of office and in a small village of Malaysia! That time all the people said is impossible, even now many people said impossible! DXN make it real and Dream came true! One World One Market company! All the different currency in one system! 190 countries! 6 Million of active member in worldwide! How DXN make it? these all answer can use for all the company which want to success! Enjoy the video and learn how to be success company in World Wide! Health, Wealth, Happiness See you at the Top! 想了解【main issue】多一些,您可以留言或电邮给我: email: SMS / Whatapps / LINE / WeChat: +6016-7835799 资料来源:

DXN Documentary Video

Good Mornig DXN! DXN Documentary Video! Must watch for it! how a One World One Market concept run in 23 years back?! it is really work until now! 190 counties! 6 Million of active member in whole world!!! Health, Wealth, Happiness! Say Hello to Freedom! Make the Dream Came True!! See You at the top of DXN!

Ganozhi Vitamin E

Ganozhi Vitamin E Ganozhi E Series Rankaian Produk Ganozhi E DXN Ganozhi Soap Sabun Ganozhi Gano Massage Oil Minyak Gosok Gano

Vitamin E for Skin Wrinkles, Blemishes and Dark Patches

Vitamin E for Skin Wrinkles, Blemishes and Dark Patches Vitamin E untuk Kedutan Kulit, Kulit Tercela dan Tompokan Gelap 对肌肤皱纹、瑕疵和暗斑见疗效的维生素E Vitamin E helps to neutralize the effects of free radicals

DXN Zhi Cafe® Classic

DXN Zhi Cafe® Classic Coffee has played an important role in many societies throughout the world. A cup of coffee in the morning may do wonders for your morning workout. However if you have been a coffee drinker for a long time and you would like to enjoy a different coffee taste, then you may switch to roasted coffee.