
Showing posts from March, 2017

Do you Know that Our Body can be a Good Indicator of our Health?

Do you Know that Our Body can be a Good Indicator of our Health? 您是否知道人体反应是一个良好的健康指南? Tahukah anda bahawa badan kita boleh menjadi petunjuk kepada kesihatan kita? Let's see what is your body type! 确认您的体质类型 Kenal Pasti jenis tubuh badan anda! 1. Neutral 平和体质 2. Phlegm-Dampness 痰湿体质 Kesukaran Pernafasan 3. Qi-Stagnation 气郁体质 Kekurangan Qi 4. Qi-Deficient 气虚体质 Kelemahan Qi Biefly, Qi is known as the "Vital energy" of the body 总的来说,气即人体的“生命能量”。 Secara ringkas,

The Findings which were Published in the Journal, Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, also Showed that Reishi Mushroom may Help to

The Findings which were Published in the Journal, Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, also Showed that Reishi Mushroom may Help to: Reduce Blood Sugar Levels Reduce Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Level Detoxify the Kidney and Improve its Overall Function Boost Strengthen the Immune System of the Body 一篇刊登在《食用菌学与食用菌产品》的报导也提及灵芝有助于 降低血糖水平 降低血压与胆固醇 肾脏排毒以及促进肾脏功能 促进与增强人体免疫系统 Hasil kajian yang telah diterbitkan dalam Jurnal, Biologi Cendawan dan Produk Cendawan, Juga menunjukkan bahawa Reishi mampu membantu: Mengurangkan kadar gula dalam darah Mengurangkan tekanan darah dan kadar kolesterol Detosifikasi ginjal dan meningkatkan fungsi keseluruhannya Meningkatkan sistem imun badan With regular consumption of Reishi Mushroom,

Banana Theory - Cooked or uncooked Food

  Question Which type of foods easier to digest? A. Cooked food  🍌 🍋 🍇 🌿 B. Uncooked food  🍤 🍔 🍳 What happen to banana on table after few days or weeks?  🍌   🍌   🍌 What happen to fried banana (pisang goreng) after few weeks on table? It still very HAPPY oh. Nothing happen!  😸   😸   😸 🍟 🍤 Cooked food,

Start On the Road to Better Health with Reishi Mushroom

Start On the Road to Better Health with Reishi Mushroom 与灵芝一起迈向健康大道 Menuju Kehidupan yang Sihat Bersama Cendawan Reishi Reishi Mushroom Assists in Maintenance of General Well-Being 灵芝维持人体健康 Cendawan Reishi Membantu Menjaga Kesejahteraan Umum

PORIA 茯苓的减肥功效 常吃茯苓好处多

PORIA 茯苓的减肥功效 常吃茯苓好处多 药材百科 茯苓不仅是一种中药,作为食材对人体也有着好多的功效。那你知道其实茯苓可以减肥吗?下面药材君为大家讲讲茯苓的减肥功效,常吃茯苓好处多哦! 茯苓的减肥功效 随着人们生活水平的日益提高,肥胖症的发病率正呈上升趋势,已成为糖尿病、冠心病、高血压、高脂血症等现代文明病的重要祸端之一。肥胖症的根本原因在于贪食肥甘及高热量饮食,日久损伤脾胃,使脾的运化水湿功能减弱,聚湿生痰而成,故肥胖病人多痰多湿,利湿祛痰是治疗肥胖症的首要法则。中医认为,茯苓性味甘淡平,入心、肺、脾经。具有渗湿利水,健运脾胃,祛湿消痰,从根本上振奋脾胃运化水湿的能力以达痰湿去、体重减的目的。所以,肥胖者经常饮用茯苓茶,可以降脂减肥瘦身,使形体日趋健美。用法:茯苓10~20克,放入杯中开水冲泡代茶饮用,每日1剂。 茯苓的功效

Top Inflammation Fighters

Top Inflammation Fighters 对抗炎症的主要方法 Cara Terbaik Menentang Keradangan Boosting Your Mood 提升您的情绪 Kekalkan mood Ceria Munching on Fruits and Vegetables 多吃水果与蔬菜 Amalkan Pengambilan Buah-buahan dan Sayur-sayuran Munching on Ganoderma (RG and GL) and Herbs 多吃灵芝与菌丝 (RGGL)和 草药 Amalkan Pengambilan Cendawan Mewah dan herba Moving Your Body 锻炼您的身体 Gerakkan Badan Anda