
Showing posts from April, 2018

How to boil herbs easily?

Boiling Herbs could be a very long process by using traditional method. You may now enjoy delicious & nutritious herbs drinks easily!

好汤推荐 —— 德信L-Vegmix(续)

之前我们介绍过 德信L-Vegmix 汤包。今天,我们来看看,有什么好方法,能快速煮出非常好喝的L-Vegmix浓汤。 想了解【德信L-Vegmix】多一些,您可以留言或电邮给我: email: SMS / Whatapps / LINE / WeChat: +6016-7835799 资料来源:

好汤推荐 —— 德信L-Vegmix

推荐这个汤包,里面有脱水的韭菜、西红柿、枣子和生姜。 每次懒得或没时间切多种不同的食材却又想让汤好喝就撒这个料进去,方便+好喝。 有时煮小瓜的粥也会撒一些进去,整锅粥就不同味道了。 虽然说明上说是一次一包,可是我不爱重口味,有时也会加一些其他配料,所以我一包可以用好多次。

Ganoderma Consumer's Testimonials (2)

NAME: Karthick AGE: 12 Address: INDIA Diagnosis: Head Injury with multiple intracerebral contusion with sub - arachnoid heamorrhage with left temporal hypotenuse contusion Case History History of fall from first floor while playing hide and seek from a sun shade and became unconscious on 29.5.2000. Admitted in ICU in unconscious condition. Karthik was in ICU from 29.5.2000 with ventilator and life support system and necessary medications. The boy was not able to come out of Coma and so Ganotheraphy was started from July 5, 2000.