
Showing posts from June, 2018

Kebaikan DXN Cordypine (1)

DXN Cordypine ~ Fermentasi jus nenas secara semula jadi dengan Cordyceps bermutu tinggi. Buah Nenas Bromelain Enzim proteolitik – enzim percernaan protein, dapat mencernakan protein yang bermolekul besar kepada rantai peptida yang bermolekul kecil. Kebaikan Bromelain: Mengurangkan sakit otot dan sendi.

Enzymes ~ You need it, You have it, Do you understand it?

Enzymes are one of the most interesting and important substances found in nature Enzymes are proteins which act as biological catalysts accelerating specific chemical reactions, such as the digestion of food. Enzymes are specific An enzyme that is able to

How to ensure our body has enough enzymes?

Sources of enzymes: Produced by our body Raw food Enzyme supplement Importance of consuming food rich in enzymes

Importance of Digestion & Absorption

Do you agree, good health is base on GOOD digestion & GOOD absorption? Enzymes is the fundamental of all life for digestion, respiration and metabolism. Why do we need to replenish enzymes from external source?