
Showing posts from July, 2018

What is Cordyceps Sinensis ?

What is Cordyceps Sinensis ??? Cordyceps is a fungus that is similar to mushrooms and which is very unique and valuable. One of the known pharmacological effects is its anti-oxidation activity. Cordyceps sinensis, a well-known and valued traditional Chinese medicine, is also called Dong Chong Xia Cao (winter worm summer grass) in Chinese Cordyceps has been shown to improve the immune response, by increasing Tcell levels, increasing activity of natural killer cells and enhancing the function of numerous other immune molecules.

Roles of Enzymes in our body

Enzymes plays an important role in our body. When there is an enzyme imbalance, various function in the body will be affected. Enzymes have 5 major functions : ➢ Improve physical condition It helps to eliminate foreign substances from the body in achieving good health balance ➢ Anti-inflammatory & Anti-bacterial action Enzymes heal the damage caused by injuries & cure many illnesses. ➢ Breakdown action

Kebaikan DXN Cordypine (3)

Kebaikan DXN Cordypine: Bebas daripada bahan aditif, pewarna, bahan pengawet dan bahan sintetik. Bersertifikat GMP Kawalan kualiti yang ketat Cordyceps yang dikultur secara organik Mudah dicerna dan diserap Mudah disediakan Dijamin Halal oleh JAKIM Bebas daripada pencemaran Sesuai untuk seisi keluarga

Kebaikan DXN Cordypine (2)

Cordyceps - sejenis herba perubatan Cina yang dikategorikan dalam kumpulan kulat. Ia boleh didapati secara semulajadi di China, Tibet dan Nepal. 10,000 kaki di atas paras laut. Juga dinamakan sebagai Cendawan beluncas, Deer fungus, Tochukaso dan Tong Chong Xia Cao. Cordyceps sejenis cendawan parasit. Tumbuh pada ulat rama-rama, Hepialus armoricanus . Kulat menjangkiti ulat rama-rama semasa