
Showing posts from August, 2018

What a weird fruit is this? (2)

Noni beverage is suitable for everyone , regardless of age. Suitable for pregnant ladies, Lactating women, Children, Teenagers, Elderly, & Etc. Uniqueness of Noni Fruit Cultivated in DXN 1. Home-grown Under Natural Environment Home-grown DXN Noni plantation, Kedah. Grown under pollution free, Natural environment with clean air, water,

What a weird fruit is this? (1)

What is Noni? Scientifically known as Morinda citrifolia. Found mainly in South Pacific (Tahiti) Found in Malaysia, as it is well-adapted to the Malaysia climate and soil. Taste : Bitter with pungent smell Noni Active Health Ingredients

Who should take DXN Cordypine?

Who should take Cordypine? As a general tonic and just like Ganoderma, Cordypine is suitable for all ages and particularly effective for people who have: minor or occasional gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, diarrhea and cramps associated with inefficient or incomplete digestion. no appetite bad eating habits symptoms of fatigue low sex drive poor sleeping quality Cordypine is of natural materials, free of synthetic ingredients and does not have known side effects. It is also suitable for long term consumptions.

What is DXN Cordypine?

DXN Cordypine is a combination of high quality cordyceps with naturally fermented pineapple juice. Pineapple enzymes produced from fermentation are capable of working synergistically with cordyceps for better health functions and excellent performance Benefits of Cordypine: Enhance digestion Reduce joint inflammation Improve blood circulation