How to Stew a Pear ?

Steamed pear with rock sugar is a tasty home remedy for cough and sore throat that is common in this season. It is the traditionally famous Steam Pears with Rock Sugar, from the Chinese culture.

Steam pears with rock sugar have the benefits of to reduce phlegm, clear heat, moisten the lung, and cool the heart.

To put this in the modern context, steam pears with rock sugar can help to reduce swollen throat, smooth irritation at throat, reduce cough (especially loud ones), prevent dehydration of respiratory tract, clear phlegm, and reduce fever.

In one sentence, it is good for cough with phlegm from common cold or allergy/irritation.

It is also good for dry cough or dry throat. And, it sometimes helps with constipation that sometimes comes with prolong cough or fever. For elderly or children who are more prone to seasonal flu, this is also a good remedy for flu prevention.

Let's see a better way to have stew a pear:

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  2. Steam Pear with Rock Sugar - Home Remedy For Cough & Sore Throat


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