
Showing posts from January, 2018

素食·健康吗? (2)

长期吃素会不会造成营养不良? 把握均衡摄取原则,素食者也可以很健康。 人体所需的五大营养素,完全可以从植物性食物中获取。 最容易摄取到糖类营养的食物来源就是五谷杂粮; 豆类、谷类、水果、蔬菜、种子中都含有丰富蛋白质; 从绿叶蔬菜、水果、五谷类及豆类,则能获取到丰富的维生素和矿物质。 吃素容易变胖吗?

Who say maintain body fitness must go to somewhere expensive?

          Making the time and effort to get to a gym doesn’t work with busy schedules, and that’s why so many people with gym memberships, simply never use them.           We all know that weight loss requires a balance of both healthy daily dietary choices and exercise. What is the secret to making fitness happen daily? 1. Walking

素食·健康吗? (1)

吃素已成为全球流行时尚风潮 蔬食主义不仅是爱护动物的象征 更是环保、健康的代名词 多吃素食让你精力充沛 远离疾病、健康加分 怀孕期间可以吃素吗?

Is your water safe to drink?

Wish to know more about 【Safety of drinking water】, contact me now: email: SMS / Whatapps / LINE / WeChat: +6016-7835799 Source: DXN Marketing Sdn Bhd