
Benefits of DXN Cordypine (3)

Testimonial 9 Zalika Bt. Mohd Razman Kg. Pandan, Kuala Lumpur Removing skin sores I suffer from allergic reactions and cannot eat chicken because it would cause the sin on my leg to sore and break. I have to abstain from eating chicken to prevent this allergy. After taking Cordypine for 2 months, sores from previous allergic reaction have dried up and healed completely. Thanks you Cordypine!

Benefits of DXN Cordypine (2)

Testimonial 5 Amutha A/P Veeran Kota Damansara. Selangor Cordypine helps relieve joint problems I always suffer from pains in the leg joints but it was not too serious. After taking Cordypine for five days, I had increased pain in the joints, while my body felt hot and extremely fatigued. After 10 days, the fatigue and pain in the joints subsided. Seeing the positive changes, I will continue to take Cordypine to recover fully from the joint problems which I have endured for so long.

Benefits of DXN Cordypine (1)

Testimonial 1 Lee Ah Lean Tampin, Negeri Sembilan Cordypine – Effective against back problems I had high blood pressure and nerve and bone problems for several years. Furthermore, red spots that appear on my face could not be removed with skin care products or medicine. The pain I felt at that time was excruciating and brought me added pressure

Cordypine - Increasing stamina and improving symptoms of fatigue

Testimonial 1: Lum Sui Kwan Serdang, Selangor Now I can sleep more soundly I am an asthma patient and also suffer from gastric problems. This prevents me from sleeping soundly at night. As a result, I feel tired and too weak to do my daily household chores. I decided to try Cordypine in the hope of curing my health problems. After taking it for nearly one month, I can now sleep soundly and do not suffer from gastric problems. Nowadays, I can have more fun because with a strong and healthy body, I can do my work more vigorously.  

Cordypine - Strengtnening the respiratory system

Testimonial 1 Eddie Chan Kong Hoay Kepong Baru, Kuala Lumpur Cordypine soothes my throat I did not suffer from serious health problems, only coughs that had bothered me for 1 week. I tried Cordypin by diluting 20ml of it in a glass of EWS water and also took 20 tablets of DXN spirulina and 6 pairs of RG and GL everyday.

Cordypine - Improving Kidneys Function

Cordypine has many benefits. Let's see what Cordypine benefits for your kidneys. Testimonial 1 Mohamad Ali B. Mohamad Taha Tampin, Negeri Sembilan Cordypine - The answer to my kidneys problems I have been experienced kidneys problems for quite a long time, causing me to urinate frequently - almost 8 to 10 times a day. Apart from that,